Better Yourself


Videos of World Records



Drills and Information:

Hurdle Drills (Great for sprinters too!)

Ladder Drills (More drills to be added soon!)

Jumping Drills (Coming Soon!)


The Runners' High

It's no longer sport,

No longer just a game.

It has become a way of life.

Every breath is a stride,

Every heartbeat a string of silence.

It is a compulsion from deep within.

It is a passion for glory.

To go through the torment.

To last through the waiting.

To gain that one moment,

Alone with myself.

And only the few,

Who chance to strive,

Can know the experience.

To hear nothing but breath.

To feel nothing but heartbeat.

To feel so much like hell,

Running so close to heaven.

This is the Runners' High.

This is the feeling I live for.

This is the goal I strive toward.

If my chance disappears,

Part of my life would end.